Tuesday, June 7, 2005

NHL looks at changes, needs to implement them

They have been talking about rule changes in the NHL for years. Yesterday, the NHL got to see what potential rule changes might look like.

The NHL opened it's "Research and Development Camp" yesterday, to mostly rave reviews. Among the things that were tested in scrimmages: wider nets, smaller pads, and the so-called "Sinden system" which was basically hockey without offsides rules.

The smaller pads and wider nets got the best reviews. More importantly, the one of the test goalies, Brad Topping, had the quote of the day:

"You have to play like you did in your minor-hockey days when you were smaller," he said. "You have to come out and challenge the shooters and play your angles well and use your reflexes."

In other words, goalies will have to actually play goalie rather than stand in front of the net.

Granted, first they have to solve their little CBA problem, and these changes haven't been approved yet, but hopefully enough minds were changed about

Baseball Regional Wrap-up

Who's in:

winners of the Austin Regional after going through the losers bracket
who breezed through the Lincoln regional
Baylor, whose regional started a day late due to rain showers
Rice, who are playing with a chip on their shoulder after not getting a top regional seed

Who's out:

eliminated by Mississippi in the regional final
eliminated by defending champ Cal State-Fullerton in the losers' bracket

Complete Bracket

Tomorrow: TBA

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